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United Sovereign Americans Press Kit


Who We Are

United Sovereign Americans is a volunteer organization committed to ensuring fidelity to the law as it relates to elections and voting. We are dedicated to protecting the individual liberty of all American citizens by assuring transparent, unwaveringly lawful, and trustworthy elections. The constitutional right of citizens to choose our representatives guarantees that our government upholds our will and serves with our consent.

Our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness are secured by the law. Laws regarding elections that have been enacted include the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) of 1993, the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) of 2002, and the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) of 2002.

Why We Formed

The New York Citizens Audit (NYCA) found millions of suspicious voter registrations and other irregularities in the state of New York. When they discovered the extent of potential crimes, the founder of NYCA, Marly Hornik, was inspired to initiate similar audits in other states and co-founded United Sovereign Americans with Harry Haury.

Why It Matters

To restore the validity of our elections by the November 2024 election, we must act now with a crystal-clear strategy across the nation. The courts, bureaucrats, and politicians increasingly view themselves as election referees, overseeing close contests, and ultimately making the final call. This is a gross violation of their duty and reduces suffrage to the arbitrary will of bureaucrats.

The extensive planning, research, and analysis that is behind this effort, combined with laser-focused litigation, will force election officials and their superiors to obey the clear law they appear to have broadly and materially violated.

We can save our country by restoring validity, transparency, and confidence in our elections. We will force legally valid elections, protecting the rights of all eligible voting Americans.

USA Founders

Marly Hornik, USA CEO, worked as volunteer Director of New York Citizens Audit since 2021, analyzing the conduct of elections in New York State. She assembled an outstanding team of 2,000 volunteers, including PhDs, mathematicians, programmers, election experts, and simply devoted Americans. Their work has been peer reviewed and published. She then started United Sovereign Americans (USA) whose teams have uncovered massive irregularities in the voter rolls, discrepancies in the vote count, suspected illegal editing of voter records, and indications of an apparent algorithmic manipulation of many state voter rolls in the US.

Harry Haury, USA Chairman, graduated from Washington University in St. Louis in 1978 with a B.S. degree in chemical engineering and in 1979 with a Masters in Business Administration with a systems science subspecialty.During the last 25 years, Mr. Haury has primarily been engaged in the development of workflow automation software and security software working through his own businesses. The primary purpose of such software is information assurance, or “cyber security,” and high volume, secure workflow automation. In conjunction with his work in this field, Mr. Haury has been employed by U.S. government agencies, banks, financial industry participants, and large industrial companies.

These U.S. government agencies include the National Security Agency, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Justice, the Comptroller of the Currency, Naval Reconnaissance Office (“NRO”), National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (“NGIA”), Special Operations Command (“SOCOM”), Indo Pacific Command (“PACOM”), Sandia National Laboratories and many others. The companies and banks who have hired Mr. Haury or the companies he worked for include American Express, VISA, MasterCard, and 16 of the 25 largest US banks.

Mr. Haury consulted extensively in St. Louis County, Missouri, helping to redesign election control and workflow to achieve greater efficiency and reliability in the County’s election system. In this capacity Mr. Haury worked closely with the County’s Election Commissioner and many supervisors to understand the workflow and legal requirements. As a result of this work both efficiency and election security were dramatically improved.

Mr. Haury is an expert in operations research, reliable communications, workflow automation, information assurance, cyber security and distributed trust in work flow systems including, but not limited to, election systems.

Mr. Haury has functioned as a systems architect designing and consulting on the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System, revisions to the Permissive Action Link in the nuclear command and control network, continuity of government communications, White House communications systems, various information fusion and gathering systems, information warfare, C4ISR as well as other systems. He has also designed a number of systems capable of securely routing and managing 30 billion workflow object transactions per hour.

Mr. Haury has frequently held Top Secret clearances with program related escalations.


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