We demand valid elections that obey the law
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United Sovereign Americans

Who We Are

United Sovereign Americans (USA) is a nonpartisan organization comprised entirely of thousands of grassroots citizen volunteers from across the United States working to ensure legally-valid elections that are fair, accurate, and trustworthy. Our teams have measured the effect of millions of instances of apparent election fraud—as defined by the US Department of Justice—on the 2022 midterm elections. We have put it all together into a comprehensive and easy to understand framework, that shows that our voting system is broken, and the intent of qualified citizen voters has been drowned out by error. Through our education and litigation strategy we aim to fix it for all Americans.


Incorporated in June 2023, United Sovereign Americans work includes:






Electoral College
Votes Represented


of Volunteers
Across the Nation


The United Sovereign Americans Resolution

Our eight paragraph Resolution clarifies in simple terms the voting system we have. State by state, United Sovereign Americans demonstrates how inaccuracy and excuses have replaced the robust oversight process required under the law for the system to deserve our trust. We identify the critical system controls and demand immediate remedies.


To learn more and watch citizens from across the country read the Resolution in their communities, click the button below.


United Sovereign Americans

Our Action Plan


Inform everyone of election validity law.

Turn findings into evidence.

Force election officials to obey the law.


Citizen volunteers elections

Support Our Efforts

Citizen volunteers elections


Your donation will fund litigation efforts to safeguard the validity of our elections.


“The right of voting for our representatives is the primary right by which all other rights are protected.” —Thomas Paine



Get Involved

Join Our Team

Join the greatest liberty movement since 1776. United Sovereign Americans pledge, to each other, that regardless of our political affiliation, we will unify to respectfully and peaceably remove the current attack upon our beloved Constitutional Republic, The United States of America. That we will stay loyal to our commitment, unwavering in our dedication to freedom, and together achieve a victory upholding individual liberty for all.


From presenting our Resolution for a Valid Election in your community to helping us raise funds for our litigation and more—there are numerous ways you can contribute your time and talents to our effort.



United Sovereign Americans




United Sovereign Americans fulfills its educational purpose through litigation, forensic investigations, and public outreach. United Sovereign Americans is dedicated to protecting the citizens of America by assuring transparent, unwaveringly lawful, and trustworthy elections. The right of citizens to freely choose our representatives guarantees that our government upholds our will and serves by consent. Our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness are secured by the law. United Sovereign Americans is particularly committed to ensuring fidelity to the law as it relates to elections and voting. United Sovereign Americans is at the ready to guard the validity of elections through education and litigation.


Please note:
United Sovereign Americans should never be confused with “sovereign citizens” groups that believe they are not under the jurisdiction of the federal government and consider themselves exempt from US law. To the contrary, our organization strongly believes in our Constitution as written by our Founding Fathers.

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