United Sovereign Americans
Election Validity Advocacy Day
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
USA volunteers from across the nation will participate in an Election Validity Advocacy Day on Tuesday, February 25, 2025. In scheduled meetings with their state legislators, they will present evidence showing that elections in their state are not accurately measuring the intent of eligible voters submitting legal votes. Led by their USA State Chapter Directors, volunteers will also highlight the locales in their states where USA’s Resolution for a Legally Valid Election has been presented. In addition, USA volunteers will inform state legislators of new national legislation USA is drafting to secure trustworthy elections. More information on that initiative will be forthcoming. These face-to-face discussions will enable USA volunteers to engage directly with their state representatives, with the hope of fostering greater understanding and collaboration on solving these important election validity issues.
If you are interested in participating, sign up to volunteer.
Be sure to include Advocacy Day in the “Why you are joining United Sovereign Americans?” field.
Election Misconduct
Witness 2024 Election Misconduct? Trouble Voting?
Our Election Misconduct tool creates a vehicle for citizens to report 2024 election problems to the election officials required to investigate. These citizen reports will provide additional evidence for our lawsuits.

Please consider a donation to support our nationwide strategy to secure our elections. Every member of USA is a volunteer, but litigation using the top constitutional attorneys in the country is expensive. We need your help to succeed.
We won’t quit until our elections accurately reflect the will of the American people. Secure and valid elections are the only way we save our freedom!
Thank you for your generous support!
United Sovereign Americans
Who We Are
Sovereign Americans is a non-partisan, volunteer, civic organization committed to restoring the fundamental right of every American citizen to legitimate representative government, through legally valid elections. USA has studied federal elections in 21 states and is the first organization to measure the current election misconduct as defined in criminal law. USA Forensic audits of official, 2022, public election records shows that our voting system is broken, and the intent of qualified citizen voters has been drowned out by error.
How do we secure liberty and prosperity for future generations?
Real voters, Real votes, Real counts, Real proof
USA has the solution and the credentials to secure real representation and Real America through trustworthy elections.
The United Sovereign Americans Resolution
Our eight paragraph Resolution clarifies in simple terms the voting system we have. State by state, United Sovereign Americans demonstrates how inaccuracy and excuses have replaced the robust oversight process required under the law for the system to deserve our trust. We identify the critical system controls and demand immediate remedies.
To learn more and watch citizens from across the country read the Resolution in their communities, click the button below.
Support Our Efforts
Your donation will fund litigation efforts to safeguard the validity of our elections.
“The right of voting for our representatives is the primary right by which all other rights are protected.” —Thomas Paine

Get Involved
Join Our Team
Join the greatest liberty movement since 1776. United Sovereign Americans pledge, to each other, that regardless of our political affiliation, we will unify to respectfully and peaceably remove the current attack upon our beloved Constitutional Republic, The United States of America. That we will stay loyal to our commitment, unwavering in our dedication to freedom, and together achieve a victory upholding individual liberty for all.
From presenting our Resolution for a Valid Election in your community to helping us raise funds for our litigation and more—there are numerous ways you can contribute your time and talents to our effort.

United Sovereign Americans
United Sovereign Americans acts to secure the blessing of liberty for all Americans and future generations by ensuring accountable government, thereby protecting our inalienable rights and the rule of law. United Sovereign Americans fulfills its mission through forensic investigations, education, public outreach, collaboration, advocacy and litigation.
Please note:
United Sovereign Americans should never be confused with “sovereign citizens” groups that believe they are not under the jurisdiction of the federal government and consider themselves exempt from US law. To the contrary, our organization strongly believes in our Constitution as written by our Founding Fathers.