United Sovereign Americans
Our Work to Date
What the Data Shows
Election Validity Scorecards
The result of the analyses completed using each state’s official records from the 2022 General Election is compiled into an Election Validity Scorecard, which illustrates the categories of irregularities in voter registrations and vote counts, and the discrepancies in officially reported election results.
Aggregate data for 21 states with completed scorecards

This work represents thousands of hours, and equates to millions of dollars in programming, analysis, and legal research, and has been done exclusively by volunteers with over 700 years of combined big data and auditing expertise. This work is subject to rigorous peer review. Each scorecard meets the standard of evidence in court and is filed with the federal lawsuit in its respective state and becomes a matter of public record.
The Art of the Steal:
2022 Election Fraud Report
Using official state voter registration records, official voter participation history, and multiple highly accurate commercial databases to verify voter identity and addresses, massive election misconduct across 7 large states has been exposed:
The Vote Washing Report Summary
Certified Votes that Have Been Altered, Added, or Deleted
This is a work in progress, and represents a baseline of what we know has happened, thus far. We have only checked a maximum of three dates per analysis. Many changes would not be revealed except by daily review. As we gain greater resolution on this investigation, we expect the numbers to rise significantly.
Litigation Updates
To date, United Sovereign Americans has filed Federal civil rights lawsuits in NINE States: Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE.
Weekly Online Discussion and Training
Free and open to the public every Thursday from 7-8:30 pm Eastern time, thousands of citizens from every state in the nation have attended our weekly online federal election law discussion and training program. Visit the Study Sessions page to see our latest recordings, and sign up to Stay Informed and be added to our email list to receive information on how to attend.
Media Appearances
Marly Hornik, CEO, and Harry Haury, Chairman, continually appear on national forums and podcasts as a call for the public to become educated and involved in Election Validity.
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