
United Sovereign Americans

Our Work to Date

Incorporated in June 2023, United Sovereign Americans is currently working in

24 states representing

387 Electoral College Votes.


That work includes:

A historic lawsuit filed in Pennsylvania on June 18, 2024.

United Sovereign Americans, in conjunction with various Pennsylvania voters, represented by Bruce Castor Jr. of van der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin, & Lindheim, has filed a federal lawsuit against the State of Pennsylvania, various Commonwealth officials, the United States Department of Justice, and United States Attorney General Merrick Garland regarding errors in the results of the 2022 general election in Pennsylvania which rendered the results unreliable.

The lawsuit cites 3,192,069 apparent errors in the registration records resulting in 1,089,750 uncertain votes, as well as a discrepancy of over 9,000 more votes tabulated than voters who voted. “An error rate above the maximum permissible rate set by Congress renders an election uncertifiable because the results are unreliable. Nevertheless, Commonwealth officials certified the 2022 election.”

To learn more, read the full press release, the executive summary, or the filing.

Our litigation process, launched in Maryland on March 6, 2024 and appealed on May 20, 2024.

Maryland Election Integrity LLC and United Sovereign Americans filed a Notice of Appeal in response to the lower court’s refusal to hear our case based on standing. By hiding behind the unqualified “standing” argument, Judge Gallagher is refusing to review this evidence and therefore, cast sunlight on truth. The ruling is very obviously flawed. If we don’t have standing to protect the right to vote, what do we have standing for? 150 years of Supreme Court precedent agrees.

The Board of Elections did not deny the allegations of what constitutes a broken election process from beginning to end; instead, they simply refuse to fix it. Their position is that no one can or will make them correct any of the errors. We certainly hope they are wrong, as should every Maryland voter.

Our legal team is currently drafting the necessary documentation to proceed to the United States Court of Appeals for the 4th District and appeal this decision.

Our weekly online federal election law discussion and training program.

Free and open to the public every Tuesday from 7-8:30 pm Eastern time, thousands of citizens from every state in the nation have attended. Visit the Study Sessions page to see our latest recordings, and sign up to Stay Informed and be added to our email list to receive information on how to attend.

Election Validity Scorecards completed for 18 states with 6 more in process.

This work represents thousands of hours, and equates to millions of dollars in programming, analysis, and legal research, and has been done exclusively by volunteers who love this country. United Sovereign Americans assists state teams in gathering, reviewing, and polishing this work to create an Election Validity Scorecard that meets the standard of evidence in court.

Appearances on national forums and podcasts

Marly Hornik, CEO, and Harry Haury, Chairman, continually appear on national forums and podcasts as a call for the public to become educated and involved in Election Validity.

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